Brainstorming & Ideation
We initially wanted to create a social platform/hub for young people to learn more about current events and help new activists get more involved in their community. We brainstormed and organized our notes on a Miro board (shown below).
Exploring the Problem Space
From our brainstorming session and secondary research, the problem we identified was that there is a lack of accessibility to credible and trustworthy sources on certain topics. This problem occurs due to the abundance of information online, especially with social media posts, which are scattered. Another factor contributing to this problem is that some may find it difficult to determine which sources are trustworthy and credible. This led us to the following problem statement:
Activists need a hub where they can find accurate information relating to events around them and connect with other activists in order to get more involved in their community.
Before we began to decide on the features we wanted to include on our platform, we conducted a competitive analysis to explore already existing solutions. We took notes on their mission/goal, onboarding process, overall organization, visuals, functions, and weaknesses.
Impact: The Final Design
Impact is an app which aims to centralize event information for activists in order to ensure safety and community involvement.
Home —
Allows users to see activity from the people and organizations they follow, including event information and events their friends are attending
Explore —
Lets users discover events that are trending or near them and filter through events based on their location and interests.
Helps give users general tips and information on attending protests, including what to wear, what to bring, what their rights are, etc.
Profile —
Allows users to showcase their interests by listing events they have attended, as well as “badges” they have received from certain events.
1) It is important to spend time brainstorming and exploring a problem space rather than start with a design solution
2) Given more time, my partner and I would have designed a better onboarding process and conducted some user testing to get feedback on our app
3) Thank you to my teammate, Danielle, for all the hours and hard work put into this project!